Michele Pau
Michele Pau is a contemporary Italian artist born in 1983, Oristano, Sardinia. His first artistic experiences date back to late adolescence, to the practice of Graffiti art. Michele’s painting adventure began in 2014 when he has started attending the workshop of the Italian-Argentine painter Norma Trogu, from which he hung the bases of an oil painting.
Michele Pau immediately has focused more on figurative art, attracted by the human figure, portraits and urban landscapes. Attracted by the experimentation that goes on every single day, in the last two years, Michele’s process of transformation has begun that has seen the passage from a realistic interpretation. In other words, he creates an altered
and disrupted artwork in the context of human representation, narrative work closer to street art and what concerns the landscape. The interpretation is always left to the viewer, howsoever Michele’s work is a deliberate critique of the decadence of contemporary society, the identity crisis of its subjects, and the capitalist economic system.
Since 2014 he has had the opportunity to participate in several collective exhibitions between Oristano, Cagliari, and London in 2018 and some personal showplace in his city. In 2020 Michele Pau has the opportunity to take part in a virtual exhibition organized by the Moderna gallery in Rome. Last November, he has been selected for the virtual exhibition Figuratively Speaking, staged to propose some of the best emerging artists. In December 2020, he has chosen for Global Conversation, a virtual exhibition organized by the United Nations, f99 art-driven research, with the partnership of Googleartandculture, which had the intention of representing the dynamics and problems of modern society.
Michele Pau has participated in several artistic competitions, always obtaining the selection of the work by the curators, and in 2019 he ranked first in the Emotions of Sartiglia, a competition organized by the Pinacoteca of Oristano.