Luca Scaini
Luca Scaini is a contemporary artist born in Lecco, Italy, on the 21st March of 1972. His artistic heritage counts on painters and illustrators mentioned in important catalogs of the XX early-mid century. Luca Scaini started painting consistently and regularly in 2014. After having crossed the world, living and working as a professor of marketing and economics. His background, professional career, and personal life rely on his wanderings; Africa, especially Morocco, and the borders between Kenya and Ethiopia. The Far East, having worked in China, Thailand, Japan, and Indonesia. The Middle East, where he has worked in the Iraqi Kurdistan, and now, again, in Russia, where Luca is working as Head of Program and Senior Lecturer at the-
prestigious British Higher School of Arts and Design. A new-unexpected- program has started in 2014: a journey inside his dark, misty, unexplored soul that he describes as “the traits of my brushes“. Along his exploration, he has been touching different techniques: graphite, acrylics, ink, and watercolor, but his real nature links watered china and watercolors, experimental styles, expressionism, sometimes figuring, and painting emotions.
Main expositions
- Shanghai (China) – March/April 2016, personal @ Southern-Belle,
- Ifrane (Marocco) – November/December 2018, (Personal) @ Al Akawayn
- Firenze (Italia) – September 2020 premio internazionale Leonardo da Vinci, Collective @ palazzo Zimenes Panciatichi
- Moscow (Russia) – ongoing, expected spring 2021, personal “Artplay”
- Florence (Italy) – on 27th September 2020, Luca Scaini has exposed his artwork “Birth of Venus” in Florence. The work won the award Premio Internazionale Leonardo Da Vinci, dedicated to the artists who in recent years distinguished for their stylistic and technical efforts (nominee by Sandro Serradifalco and a committee counting, among the others, Angelo Crespi and Edoardo Sylos Labini).
Published in the October 2020 issue of the art magazine “Art Now“, “Sylarus” cultural journal (issue November-December) and credited by “Artisti 21” art catalog (Arnoldo Mondadori editor).
If you want to know more, you should just let his art speaking of him, of the universe, and the soul