Zigguart is a virtual Art Gallery. Its main goal is to introduce and promote independent artists’ artworks from all around the world. The idea is to create an intercultural community among artists and their audiences, having a united philosophy, but with different styles and artistic expressions.
Zigguart is trying to comprehend human encounters with imposed occurrences of the modern world. The art reveals the concerns, questions, fears, and impressions of humans versus modernity.
9,90 € – For a Month
Artist Submission – Monthly
Artist Submission – Monthly Plan
✅ Online Gallery Access to an artist online gallery with unlimited artwork uploads (permanent) ✅ Zigguartists Artist online portfolio for showcasing your work (permanent) ✅ Ziggunews Publish articles and upcoming events related to your artwork ✅ Store Sell and catalogize your artwork through the online shop ✅ Social Media Promotion Weekly promotion of your artwork on Instagram and Facebook ✅ Monthly Billing ✅ 15 Days Trial/Initial Period ✅ Flexible Cancellation Cancel at any time without any penaltiesSign Up
€12.50 For 24 Hours
One Day Plan
One Day Plan – Daily Pyment
✅ Gain exclusive access to our premium offerings for a day, including short films, online exhibitions, and private galleries. ❌ Zigguartists Artist online portfolio for showcasing your work (permanent) ❌ Ziggunews Publish articles and upcoming events related to your artwork ❌ Store Sell and catalogize your artwork through the online shop ✅ Stay in the loop with our newsletter for exclusive access to upcoming events, promotion codes, and special offers. ✅ Daily Billing ❌ Trial/Initial Perior ✅ Flexible Cancellation Cancel at any time without any penaltiesSign Up
100 € – For a Year
Artist Submission – Annual Plan
Save 15% with annual payment
✅ Online Gallery Access to an artist online gallery with unlimited artwork uploads (permanent) ✅ Zigguartists Artist online portfolio for showcasing your work (permanent) ✅ Ziggunews Publish articles and upcoming events related to your artwork ✅ Store Sell and catalogize your artwork through the online shop ✅ Social Media Promotion Weekly promotion of your artwork on Instagram and Facebook ✅ Annual Billing ✅ 15 Days Trial/Initial Period ✅ Flexible Cancellation Cancel at any time without any penaltiesSign Up
User Account
Join Our Community: Be a Fan Today!
✅ Become a valued member of our community by becoming a fan today! Sign up for a free account to gain access to our newsletter, keeping you in the loop with all the latest news, events, and exclusive offers. ❌ Zigguartists Artist online portfolio for showcasing your work (permanent) ❌ Ziggunews Publish articles and upcoming events related to your artwork ✅ Stay in the loop with our newsletter for exclusive access to upcoming events, promotion codes, and special offers. ✅ FREE ✅ Flexible CancellationSign Up