Mehdi Samimi
Mehdi Samimi is a Web and OS developer, Site Admin and Web Designer borned in Borojerd, Iran in 1997. He first started his academic education in 2016 at Isfahan University of Technology, as a bachelor of computer science student. In 2021, He finished his degree and moved to Milan, Italy to persue his academic career as a Telecommunication Engineering Master’s degree student that is focuses on Internet Engineering. During this time he gained more advanced knowledge about Web Developement and UI/UX.
Meanwhile his career was developing as a Business Analyst and Software Engineer in two Milan based companies that enriched his capability as a IT Specialist and Full Stack developer which is going on until this day. These career path, helped him to acheive speciality in Web Management and E-Commerce Market Developer.
In Zigguart Team, Mehdi is Technical Manager which manages web and SEO related support of the website, His Main Programming Language is Python, and He used CSS, HTML and WordPress to enrich and secure Zigguart Website.
Mehdi Samimi
Email: support@zigguart.com