I Am Irani, a docudrama directed by Farhad Irani will be screened during the 2022 Big Syn International Film Festival, London, 23 – 28 October (BST/GMT) via Bigsyn.org, and winners will be declared during the festival. The full schedule will be available on 22nd Oct 2022 on bigsyn.org.
Big Syn Institute is the creative and cultural arm of the Centre for Big Synergy and was founded to create positive changes through the power of art and creativity.
Given the state of the world around us, there is a well-recognized need of building a more responsible future for us. The arts, since ages, have inspired, challenged, and proposed much-needed changes to our socioeconomic conventions. The film, amongst others, holds immense power to bring to perspective the ‘real’ needs of the time and offer ideas for meeting those needs through a synergy of ideas and actions. They also help open dialogues amongst, at times, totally disjointed parts of society or the world to usher in a new era of collaboration and change. Driven by this optimism, the Big Syn Institute organizes the Big Syn International Film Festival (BSIFF) – the biggest United Nations Sustainable development Goals initiative of its kind. Through relatable films, every year, this online film festival educates millions of viewers from around the globe about the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and inspires them to act on these global goals in their own small or big ways.
The Big Syn Institute is currently developing partnership programs to help filmmakers and artists in the UK collaborate with international peers to create films and drama that can demonstrate the interdependent nature of our lives in the modern world, and hence the shared responsibility for each and every person on the planet to help meet the UN 2030 Agenda. The objective of such initiatives would be to draw attention to the fact that the responsibility of meeting the UN 2030 Agenda lies more with individuals, businesses, and governments that have the ‘choice’ to do so rather than the ones who are worst hit by major global issues such as climate change, poverty, poor education, sanitation, healthcare; or gender inequality, to name a few.
Zigguart Virtual Art Gallery, the independent worldwide distribution company of the film, invites you to watch(Free for Five days) this beautiful movie via Bigsyn.org during the Big Syn International Film Festival, London, from 23th to 28th October 2022.
I Am Irani is a docu-drama based on the life and story of Farhad Irani. Due to his facial abnormality, Farhad was often rejected and mistreated by society. Although TCS has made Farhad stand out all his life, his mindset, attitude, and ability to rise above all challenges are what set him apart, and allowed him to face his challenges head-on.” People with this syndrome are not different from others when it comes to the formation of the brain, they are on the same terms, and sometimes even have a higher IQ than the average person. The only major issue in their lives is the attitude that society has toward their appearance. Farhad’s strong determination and high morale however made him one that would rise despite all odds through his visual and musical creations. Farhad started learning the flute through experimentation and self-education at the early age of 4, and to everyone’s surprise – shortly after he began learning the ancient and traditional Persian instrument known as the Santoor at the age of 5 and under a music teacher.Farhad’s childhood problems really began at the start of grade school. The normal education system in Iran refused to accept him as a student because of cultural prejudice and the lack of knowledge surrounding his facial disorder. He was categorized as mentally retarded purely due to his appearance and was not accepted into a normal classroom. At the age of 9 however, he was eventually accepted at a normal school through the hard efforts of his mother and his personal determination to blend in with society. This was his first victory against the Treacher Collins syndrome. Farhad eventually went on to register at a music college in Tehran. He continued his musical endeavors until he came across photography which took his creative expression to a new level. After discovering what he could do through photography he quickly shifted his focus on mastering photography and did so at a rapid rate gaining the attention of many people along the way.
Farhad’s photographs have now been featured in the New York Times, 1x.com, and various billboards, magazines, and newspapers throughout Iran. Farhad is also known for his work and close relationships with various A-List Persian celebrities, athletes, and public figures.
Farhad, a well-known Iranian photographer, together with his wife Mahsa, decided to leave Iran due to difficulties faced back home. Farhad was born with a rare genetic disorder known as Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS), which affects the development of the facial structure. Although TCS has made Farhad stand out all his life, his ability to rise above all challenges is what set him apart.
Official Trailer