The Renascence of Disposable Papers
An Online Exhibition by Hesam Sharifi
This story should end somewhere,
Mother nature gives…
And we hurt, we destroy, and we will cry for the earth at the end.
But this time, let’s heal her wounds with some salve.
Tiny but fresh!
An ointment made by art. The Painting…
Manifest Text
Human being and their daily life have caused much damage to nature. With the industrialization of the world, these injuries have become even Worse. If we study all the aspects of modern human life, we cannot find any part in which nature is comfortable. Art is also not excused from this disaster. Perhaps at first look, art is not considered a real danger to the earth. But with careful examination, we can see some destructive effects of art productions on nature.
In painting, for example, mediums come into existence entirely in a process destructive to nature. Oil colors, watercolors, acrylics, pencils, plasters, pastels, etc., will poison our planet. Substrates such as canvases and papers also multiply this tragedy.
In this exhibition, we want to minimize nature’s damage by painting on cardboard, which is thrown away in our daily life or, in the best chance, recycled in a chemical cycle. It is a gift from an artist to Mother Earth. Let’s show the pure meaning of Modern Art to the audience and not the great medium!
Hoping For A Clean Planet
September 2022
Hesam Sharifi
The Modern Surrealism Paintings on Disposable(or recycled) Papers

The weight of existence can only be bear by the Gods, who have lived in legends!
Title: Atlas in the Meaning of Bearer
Dimensions: 21.5 x 21.5 Cm
Technique: Oil on Biscuit Box

At the end of this unequal war, we will return the Earth to its rightful owners!
Title: History Is Written By The Conquerors
Dimensions: 34 x 29.5 cm
Technique: Oil on the shirt box cardboard

It is the same meet, which is the beginning of all legends.
Title: Prophet and Guardian
Dimensions: 31.5 x 31 Cm
Technique: Mixed Media on Pizza Box

What is more potent than a little girl who is full of ideas and full of hope?
Title: Night Walk
Dimensions: 31.5 x 31 Cm
Technique: Mixed Media on MRI cardboard

Take my sincere soul, oh king!
Title: Namaste
Dimensions: 45.5 x 33 Cm
Technique: Mixed Media on MRI cardboard

I need more than a cup of coffee to keep going. Only drunk and disillusioned people know that!
Title: One more cup of coffee
Dimensions: 32 x 21 cm
Technique: Mixed media on the chocolate box

On that cold winter night, I never thought that your journey had begun on a path full of hungry hunters.
Title: Somewhere In My Heart
Dimensions: 34 x 29 Cm
Technique: Mixed media on the chocolate box

We will spin forever, in between hope and emptiness!
Title: Perplex
Dimensions: 32.5 x 21.5 cm
Technique: Mixed media on the chocolate box

It was the same moment… the one you forgot!
Title: Sousan: It’s Time!
Dimensions: 22 x 22 Cm
Technique: Mixed media on the pizza box, 2023

The world’s cold has attached him to the bed, but the blood boils in his veins.
Title: Along The Loneliness
Dimensions: 32.5 x 23.5 cm
Technique: Oil on biscuit box cardboard

Being Father needs no explanation. Just Look! It is so.
Title: Being Father
Dimensions: 17.5 x 21.5 Cm
Technique: Mixed Media on Biscuit Box

Peace, simplicity, and days full of fun; Yes, this is the territory of paradise!
Title: The Territory Of Paradise
Dimensions: 22 x 21.5 cm
Technique: Mix Media on biscuit box cardboard, 2022

If there is another life after death, we will see it again. Kind, beautiful, and glorious. Trust me!
Title: Sousan: A New Start
Dimensions: 24 x 24 Cm
Technique: Mixed media on the pizza box

Beyond the clouds, there is the realm of love.
Title: Beyond The Clouds
Dimensions: 31.5 x 32.5 Cm
Technique: Mixed Media on Pizza Box

Everyone loves its innocent glance, but desire and greed keep overwhelming them. Simply like this!
Title: On The Verge
Dimensions: 19.5 x 14.5 Cm
Technique: Mixed Media on Biscuit Box

Mercy rain has fallen down to the sky from the earth and made it holy!
Title: The Territory Of Paradise
Dimensions: 24 x 34 cm
Technique: Mix Media on biscuit box cardboard, 2023

Mercy rain has fallen down to the sky from the earth and made it holy!
Title: The Territory Of Paradise Part II
Dimensions: 24 x 34 cm
Technique: Mix Media on biscuit box cardboard, 2023

Mercy rain has fallen down to the sky from the earth and made it holy!
Title: The Territory Of Paradise Part III
Dimensions: 24 x 34 cm
Technique: Mix Media on biscuit box cardboard, 2023
About music:
The music album is the soundtrack of the short film intituled Zaqqum, The Tree Of Hell, an avant-garde film accompanied by experimental electronic music and sound design by an innovative composer Hadi Farahmand. It is all about the sound of contemporary art that witnesses the modern world. A world that, ignoring the consequences of its actions, built a new order that destroyed itself will do. In this exhibition, with the same stylish voice, we celebrate together the renascence of disposable papers. I think the music part represents the voice of our new planet! Hesam Sharifi

Curated By Hadi Farahmand
Narrator: Parandeh Alaei Photographer: Alireza Gheydari
2023©Zigguart Virtual Art Gallery – All rights reserved
Email: info@zigguart.com
Support the “Renascence of Disposable Papers” exhibition by Hesam Sharifi at Zigguart Virtual Art Gallery today. Create a “one day plan” account on our website, unlocking exclusive access to enriching content and providing you with the opportunity to contribute to the artist’s creative journey. Join us in celebrating artistry and fostering cultural exchange.